Seeking out clinically tested probiotics: an interview with Rod VelliquetteHuman Microbiome, Microbe MusingsBy Paul Naphtali10 December 2023
Better your health with the grammar of life: an interview with Noah ZimmermanClinical Microbiology, Microbe MusingsBy Paul Naphtali29 November 2023
Communicating the miracle of synthetic biology: an interview with Tae Seok MoonBioGraphersBy Paul Naphtali23 November 2023
Engineering microbes to improve quality of life, with Zack AbbottBacteria, Clinical Microbiology, Microbe MusingsBy Paul Naphtali2 November 2023
Keeping up with the Biotechs — an interview with Joachim EeckhoutBioGraphersBy Paul Naphtali25 October 2023
What to expect as we cover the Microbiome Movement – Human Nutrition SummitAnnouncements, Bacteria, Microbe MusingsBy Paul Naphtali11 October 2023